Here you can find my current discography available to stream, purchase or download for free. In addition, all non-commercial use is permitted, this includes any student project and mid-to-low budget productions (film, theatre, dance, etc). Music producers and composers may (creatively) sample any of the music or soundscapes for commercial use. For specific stems please feel free to get in touch.
Soundscapes & Meditations:
As part of my on-going exploration of music I am also interested in some of the more abstract qualities of sound on mediation and deep-thinking. I find continuous fascination in how sound can serve as a powerful tool to shift and focus ones attention and the benefits I’ve experienced with various protocols and soundscapes have encouraged me to share them with a wider community.
Profit Sharing & Creative Funding:
All profit from music streaming, sales, donations and performances will be sent back into the Zero Mass token bank. Half of the profit will be locked into the Mass Zero token treasury and the other half will be donated as grants to developing musicians, art collectives and NGO’s around the world. For more information on the Mass Zero token and grant applications please navigate to the ‘token’ page below.

Dragonfly Doji - 3:14 / Written, Produced and Mastered by Mass Zero. Released 01/12/21 - My OB-6 Synthesiser is the real shining star here. First delivering the bass-line and following with the chorus stabs (probably my favourite section of the song) the foundation came together in a day and the beat followed shortly after. Despite the layers and sonic direction finding a home quickly I couldn't find a suitable sound for the verse chord progression. So much so it took me about 8 months of preset diving and instrument swapping to settle on the poly-synth sound there now. An un-climactic ending I know. Getting stuck on an issue like this is a bit of a catch 22 as the more I dive the more I loose perspective as it loops over and over and over again. which may have been a requirement of reaching the finish line but it becomes taxing and leads to an overall apathy of its worth. Nevertheless I'm happy with where things ended up.

Spacewalk - 3:55 / Written, Produced and Mastered by Mass Zero. Released 01/12/21 - Taking form over Christmas 2020 during a snowy Amsterdam winter. I enjoyed my first (haphazard) relationship with live bass and guitar. Working dubiously with unfamiliar fretboards all the live recorded parts were found through a trail and error and heavy layering / editing of recorded parts. Taking form over Christmas 2020 during a snowy Amsterdam winter. I enjoyed my first (haphazard) relationship with live bass and guitar. Working dubiously with unfamiliar fretboards all the live recorded parts were found through a trail and error and heavy layering / editing of recorded parts.

Spacewalk - 3:55 / Written, Produced and Mastered by Mass Zero. Released 01/12/21 - Taking form over Christmas 2020 during a snowy Amsterdam winter. I enjoyed my first (haphazard) relationship with live bass and guitar. Working dubiously with unfamiliar fretboards all the live recorded parts were found through a trail and error and heavy layering / editing of recorded parts. Taking form over Christmas 2020 during a snowy Amsterdam winter. I enjoyed my first (haphazard) relationship with live bass and guitar. Working dubiously with unfamiliar fretboards all the live recorded parts were found through a trail and error and heavy layering / editing of recorded parts.
Soundscapes & Meditations:

Spacewalk - 3:55 / Written, Produced and Mastered by Mass Zero. Released 01/12/21 - Taking form over Christmas 2020 during a snowy Amsterdam winter. I enjoyed my first (haphazard) relationship with live bass and guitar. Working dubiously with unfamiliar fretboards all the live recorded parts were found through a trail and error and heavy layering / editing of recorded parts. Taking form over Christmas 2020 during a snowy Amsterdam winter. I enjoyed my first (haphazard) relationship with live bass and guitar. Working dubiously with unfamiliar fretboards all the live recorded parts were found through a trail and error and heavy layering / editing of recorded parts.

Spacewalk - 3:55 / Written, Produced and Mastered by Mass Zero. Released 01/12/21 - Taking form over Christmas 2020 during a snowy Amsterdam winter. I enjoyed my first (haphazard) relationship with live bass and guitar. Working dubiously with unfamiliar fretboards all the live recorded parts were found through a trail and error and heavy layering / editing of recorded parts. Taking form over Christmas 2020 during a snowy Amsterdam winter. I enjoyed my first (haphazard) relationship with live bass and guitar. Working dubiously with unfamiliar fretboards all the live recorded parts were found through a trail and error and heavy layering / editing of recorded parts.

Spacewalk - 3:55 / Written, Produced and Mastered by Mass Zero. Released 01/12/21 - Taking form over Christmas 2020 during a snowy Amsterdam winter. I enjoyed my first (haphazard) relationship with live bass and guitar. Working dubiously with unfamiliar fretboards all the live recorded parts were found through a trail and error and heavy layering / editing of recorded parts. Taking form over Christmas 2020 during a snowy Amsterdam winter. I enjoyed my first (haphazard) relationship with live bass and guitar. Working dubiously with unfamiliar fretboards all the live recorded parts were found through a trail and error and heavy layering / editing of recorded parts.