What is the MASSZERO Token?

The MASSZERO token has been created as means to re-define the commercial aspect of this project by allowing fans and supporters to easily invest in the music, grow the community and share in the success. For those new to tokens or ‘crypto-currency’ this concept is more simple (and revolutionary) than it may initially sound.

Think of the MASSZERO token as a share in the project. In the same way that a company issues shares as a means to invest in the business benefit from the success, purchasing from a limited (and unalterable) supply of MASSZERO tokens gives you the opportunity to capitalise on your investment by staking, selling or trading the tokens as the project grows and the token value increases. This is assured because of the MASSZERO ‘treasury’ which will lock 50% of all profit generated through music, merchandise, royalty and performances and therefore underpin the value of the token.

Token holders will also be given exclusive voting rights, access to early demos, exclusive merchandise pieces and VIP treatment. As the project grows so will the opportunities for community input. More info on these mechanisms can be found below.

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Token Name, Symbol & Total Supply:

Token Distribution:
  • 10,000 initial free distribution
  • 70,000 for sale
  • 10,000 in rewards given over time
  • 10,000 staked by Mass Zero

Sales Rounds:
  • 10,000 @ $1
  • 10,000 @ $2
  • 15,000 @ $3
  • 15,000 @ $4
  • 20,000 @ $5

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How do I purchase MASSZERO Tokens?

In order to purchase the MASSZERO token you will need an invitation or an invite-link to create an account on unit.network. To streamline this process here is an invite-link you can use to get started:


1. To start off, it is recommended you create a personal account with you name or alias. Think of this process in the same way as creating a Facebook account, where you can then add a profile picture and short bio if you wish. Note that just as with Facebook your profile will also be searchable within the network so friends can find and connect with you.

2. Once your account is created you will see a series of navigation tabs you can explore, selecting ‘wallet’ you will see a list of crypto assets you can hold, their value and the amount. At this stage UNIT allows you to hold Bitcoin (BTC) Ethereum (ETH) and Polkadot (DOT) and of course all of the tokens created on the UNIT Network, like the UNIT token or the MASSZERO token.

3. Selecting any of the crypto assets will provide you with a deposit address so you can  send any crypto you currently hold to your new UNIT Wallet. (If you do not hold any crypto it is possible to buy it directly though UNIT here, at which point it will be credited to your wallet.)

4. Once you have coins / tokens on your wallet you can then head to the MASSZERO profile, select ‘Sale’ and purchase the tokens. Once purchased you will see them in your wallet! So, congratulations you’ve just made history!

Hot Tip: The platform is very simple and intuitive, but also powerful in that in allows anyone to create their own token for themselves or their business and serves as a wallet to hold any existing crypto-currency they have. Just like with Facebook, where you can create ‘Pages’ for different businesses or projects under your personal account, the same if true on the UNIT Network where you can create tokens for any business or project  If you’d like to learn more about the full feature list of the system you can find all the documentation here.

What is the use of token raised capital?

Mass Zero will to allocate 50% capital raised through periodic token sales to the MASSZERO treasury and the additional 50% to increase overall business value and productivity, namely by:

  • Creation of music, digital content and limited merchandise pieces
  • Wider audience reach / servicing by increasing the budgets for digital and physical marketing.
  • Development of Mass Zero Podcast / Live Streaming Events
  • Acquisition of high profile brand, musical and creative partnerships.

As this model of tokenised fan-and-investor funding is new it should be noted that as the token driven economy evolves so may the use of capital raised, including also the pricing and release times of the tokens. Any such changes will be announced to the community beforehand, giving an opportunity for feedback. Yet given the token driven model any change will be within the interest of growing the community and supporting the token holders as Mass Zero represents a paradigm shift within the music industry and hopes to offer a symbiosis between artist and fan that was previously not possible.

Why is the token economy important?

In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, Satoshi Nakamoto began sharing a novel digital currency called ‘Bitcoin’ across various cryptography forums as an alternative to our centralised and ever-inflating fiat currencies like the US Dollar. Underpinning Bitcoin was a cryptographic ledger mechanism called a ‘Blockchain’ which ensured the integrity and transparency of the Bitcoin and has now been adopted, adapted and refined through other projects like Ethereum, Polkadot and Unit to name a few. Hence, they all fall under the banner of crypto-currencies or ‘cryptos’ but this blanket term doesn’t do justice to the variety and ingenuity of the projects that have adopted blockchain technology and is also misleading as the majority of these projects are not attempting to be digital currencies like Bitcoin. Despite these companies coins (or tokens) being traded on exchanges and therefore holding monetary value they offer innovative, decentralised solutions to many of the issues we face today.

Removing the hype and stigma surrounding crypto-currencies, we are left with decentralised networks creatively fuelled by the token holders. This means that us, the people can own a piece of a project and share in the success without the need for centralised and antiquated financial institutions and beyond that, these systems are just so damn efficient! Until recently these crypto companies have mostly focused on decentralised finance (DeFi) and creating platforms that can be built upon (like Ethereum). We have now reached a point where it is possible to begin tokenising any business, small or large and with the utmost excitement, Mass Zero will likely be on of the first musical projects to do so!

What is the UNIT Network?

Built upon the Polkadot (DOT) Blockchain, UNIT is powering the next economy by connecting providers and customers, digital assets, and building a global community. They are creating a more inclusive and fair economy through equal opportunities and open communities, for all. The UNIT platform itself gives any individual or business the opportunity to freely create their own token and offer it to their friends, family, community or investors by removing the prohibitive development costs of tokenisation and providing an extremely simple and secure interface to manage you digital assets. Further to this, Mass Zero is a music adviser and core team member of the MUSIC and UNIT tokens and as such has chosen to use the UNIT Network to host the MASSZERO and individual song tokens moving forward. Please feel free to make contact with any further questions.

What can I do with the MASSZERO token?

In order to purchase the MASSZERO token you will need an invitation or an invite-link to create an account on unit.network. To streamline this process here is an invite-link you can use to get started:


  1. To start off, it is recommended you create a personal account with you name or alias. Think of this process in the same way as creating a Facebook account, where you can then add a profile picture and short bio if you wish. Note that just as with Facebook your profile will also be searchable within the network so friends can find and connect with you.
  2. Once your account is created you will see a series of navigation tabs you can explore, selecting ‘wallet’ you will see a list of crypto assets you can hold, their value and the amount. At this stage UNIT allows you to hold Bitcoin (BTC) Ethereum (ETH) and Polkadot (DOT) and of course all of the tokens created on the UNIT Network, like the UNIT token or the MASSZERO token.
  3. Selecting any of the crypto assets will provide you with a deposit address so you can  send any crypto you currently hold to your new UNIT Wallet. (If you do not hold any crypto it is possible to buy it directly though UNIT here, at which point it will be credited to your wallet.)
  4. Once you have coins / tokens on your wallet you can then head to the MASSZERO profile, select ‘Sale’ and purchase the tokens. Once purchased you will see them in your wallet! So, congratulations you’ve just made history!

Hot Tip: The platform is very simple and intuitive, but also powerful in that in allows anyone to create their own token for themselves or their business and serves as a wallet to hold any existing crypto-currency they have. Just like with Facebook, where you can create ‘Pages’ for different businesses or projects under your personal account, the same if true on the UNIT Network where you can create tokens for any business or project  If you’d like to learn more about the full feature list of the system you can find all the documentation here.

What is the MASSZERO token worth and how does it gain value?

Mass Zero will to allocate 50% capital raised through periodic token sales to the MASSZERO treasury and the additional 50% to increase overall business value and productivity, namely by:

  • Creation of music, digital content and limited merchandise pieces
  • Wider audience reach / servicing by increasing the budgets for digital and physical marketing.
  • Development of Mass Zero Podcast / Live Streaming Events
  • Acquisition of high profile brand, musical and creative partnerships.

As this model of tokenised fan-and-investor funding is new it should be noted that as the token driven economy evolves so may the use of capital raised, including also the pricing and release times of the tokens. Any such changes will be announced to the community beforehand, giving an opportunity for feedback. Yet given the token driven model any change will be within the interest of growing the community and supporting the token holders as Mass Zero represents a paradigm shift within the music industry and hopes to offer a symbiosis between artist and fan that was previously not possible.

Who is the team behind the MASSZERO token?

In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, Satoshi Nakamoto began sharing a novel digital currency called ‘Bitcoin’ across various cryptography forums as an alternative to our centralised and ever-inflating fiat currencies like the US Dollar. Underpinning Bitcoin was a cryptographic ledger mechanism called a ‘Blockchain’ which ensured the integrity and transparency of the Bitcoin and has now been adopted, adapted and refined through other projects like Ethereum, Polkadot and Unit to name a few. Hence, they all fall under the banner of crypto-currencies or ‘cryptos’ but this blanket term doesn’t do justice to the variety and ingenuity of the projects that have adopted blockchain technology and is also misleading as the majority of these projects are not attempting to be digital currencies like Bitcoin. Despite these companies coins (or tokens) being traded on exchanges and therefore holding monetary value they offer innovative, decentralised solutions to many of the issues we face today.

Removing the hype and stigma surrounding crypto-currencies, we are left with decentralised networks creatively fuelled by the token holders. This means that us, the people can own a piece of a project and share in the success without the need for centralised and antiquated financial institutions and beyond that, these systems are just so damn efficient! Until recently these crypto companies have mostly focused on decentralised finance (DeFi) and creating platforms that can be built upon (like Ethereum). We have now reached a point where it is possible to begin tokenising any business, small or large and with the utmost excitement, Mass Zero will likely be on of the first musical projects to do so!

Advanced token and network specifics

UNIT is powering the next economy by connecting providers and customers, digital assets, and building a global community. They are creating a more inclusive and fair economy through equal opportunities and open communities, for all. The UNIT platform itself gives any individual or business the opportunity to freely create their own token and offer it to their friends, family, community or investors by removing the prohibitive development costs of tokenisation and providing an extremely simple and secure interface to manage you digital assets. Further to this, Mass Zero is a music adviser and core team member of the MUSIC and UNIT tokens and as such has chosen to use the UNIT Network to host the MASSZERO and individual song tokens moving forward. Please feel free to make contact with any further questions.